Hutton’s Business Health Check

When was the last time that you checked over your terms and conditions, your employment contracts, work policies or even property documentation  – would they be fit for current purposes?

The recent pandemic has shown that businesses who may have historically adopted a more “hands off”  approach to their contractual documentation, have found themselves at a disadvantage when COVID set in.

In a world where regulation governs everything, having proper procedures and follow up documents can not only safeguard your businesses prosperity but also be your shield to any kind of action.  It is has never been more important to ensure that your “i’s” are dotted and the “t’s” crossed, whether this be your documentation alone or your processes generally.

Over COVID we have been assisting clients with bringing their contractual documents up to date as well as assisting with their risk analysis. In particular we can advise you upon:

  • Employment Contracts;
  • GDPR Policies
  • Home and remote working policies;
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Leases and Licenses / Alterations and Sub Lets
  • Trading Standards
  • Company Act compliance
  • Director and Secretarial Duties

We work in partnership with our commercial clients to understand not only how you work but also your business. Many of our commercial clients have diverse commercial interests and we have experience in many different sectors.

We can offer an initial free hour advice on any of the above along with a summary or recommendations. Thereafter we can provide whatever you require at fixed fees and also incorporate your company branding into any subsequent precedents.

Request a call back to today and let us see how we can assist you.

Another Dispute Resolution Award for Hutton’s Law !!

Following its recent Corporate Live Wire Award, Hutton’s Law is delighted to announce that our Tristan Agland (Managing Partner Dispute Resolution) has been recognised and awarded the title of Best Dispute Resolution Solicitor (Wales) 2020 by Acquisition International.

Speaking of the award Tristan said “Any success that I may achieve is the product of the team of people I work with.  Over the years I have had the privilege of working with some of, who I regard at least, as being the most tactile and strategic litigators you could ever hope to find. What I learnt from them are the values I instil upon my team today, which has seen 2019 and 2020 become an unprecedented year of both success and growth for the department generally. We strive to deliver commercially satisfactory outcomes at cost effective rates, with many of new clients having defected from much larger firms.  We have a lot of interesting cases on going so watch this space !”.

Hutton’s Law offers a complete dispute resolution service to clients not only in Wales but also England. The firm represents clients in relation to many types of disputes but has a particular interest in construction, contract, property, probate and professional negligence.

The team also for professionals in relation to disciplinary and employment related matters. The civil regulatory department deal with investigations by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GpHC),  PSNI (Northern Ireland), and General Medical Council into professional conduct.

An Award Winning Family Law Department

Hutton’s are delighted to announce that its Family Law department has again been recognised as being the place to go for offering effective and assured family law advice in Wales.

The department has experienced a significant growth in work over the last 18 months and has recently recruited Jenine Abdo  (Senior Associate covering Public Law and Childcare) and Keighley Smith (Paralegal).

The Public Law team have seen an unprecedented rise in new complex cases being referred and it is anticipated that the department will look to consolidate and grow further over the next 12 months.

Speaking of the award Tristan Agland, Managing Partner said “I am really proud of the team and the service they deliver to clients. The continued growth of the department is an exciting time for the firm and flows from the solid relationships we have developed with local charities and various other institutions“.

“To build upon our success  we will be shortly launching walk in family law clinics at our Whitchurch and Llandow offices so as to build better links with the local communities; as well as promote that we open and able to meet clients in safe and convenient environment”. 

Hutton’s Law offers a wide range of family law services .  Legal Aid is available (subject to criteria) but the firm can also offer fixed  / staged fees, as well as discounted first appointments and deferred payments (subject to conditions).

Hutton’s Law Wins Best Dispute Resolution Firm (Wales 2020)

Hutton’s Law are delighted to have been selected as the stand out firm for Dispute Resolution in (Wales) 2020.

The award follows an extremely busy year for the practice which saw it grow the number of commercial litigators it has  as well as award training contracts to its new paralegals so as to further advance its organic growth aspirations.

The practice specialises in complex and high value disputes across many different areas, including construction, contract,  probate and professional negligence.

In addition to the above the team also have a dedicated regulatory team dealing  with employment and disciplinary cases for pharmacists, doctors, care workers and teachers.